Thirty Days of Mapping (FME-ing) #30DayMapChallenge 2021
Topi Tjukanov of Finland launched the #30DayMapChallenge in 2019 where hundreds of maps were made and shared on social media using the #30DayMapChallenge hashtag. Each days presents a map challenge focused on a different spatial feature or topic. The topics for #30dayMapChallenge 2021 were: As a die hard user of FME from ( Safe Software ),what could be a better opportunity to put my FME skills to test! This post is a collection of all entries for #30DayMapChallenge 2021 by @Saint_GIS, most of which have been accomplished only using FME and in few cases, due to the nature of the challenge, the data prepared using FME. Happy FME-ing :-) reading my #30DayMapChallenge 2021 entries! Day 1: Points First entry for the #30DayMapChallenge 2021- 101 Random Points generated using FME from Safe Software Another entry for Day 1 Points-Some places (Points) with population more than 1.5 million generated using FME from Safe Software Day 2: Lines NH548: Shortest National...